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The 2023 Breyer Releases are Here!

Updated: Jan 11, 2023

After a long wait (and a lovely little catalog leak that sent me into a panic for two straight hours on the day after Christmas,) the 2023 Breyer releases are finally here! (And they're pretty darn cool.)

Don't forget that you can preorder all these horses from our website! Email subscribers received a code that will save them 10% on all New Releases.


Let's Start with Traditionals...

I'm always super excited to see the Traditionals simply because they're my favorite scale with some of the best molds-- not to mention, Breyer's creative team for the Trads is incredible. Seriously.

Between pattern design and actively scouting for horses to add to the Breyer stable, there are some wickedly skilled hobbyists behind the curtain.

RD Marceia Bey

I am so happy that Zafirah has made it into the RR line!

From the sounds of it, Breyer has been looking for a way to partner with Rae Dawn Arabians since the Scottsdale Stampede, and, man, did they pull it off. I wasn't a huge fan of Zafirah color-wise when she came out (Sorry, Myla! ;-;) but I think that a beautiful, simple bay is going to look stunning on this mold.

Sweetwater's Zorah Belle

FINALLY we get the "traditional" bay dun Fjord color on Astrid!

I know Astrid is a mold that people either love or hate, but I love her. I only have the original (in gloss, because I love me some glossy grays,) and while I don't think I'll be adding Zorah Belle to my collection, this is sure to be a bestseller for Breyer in the coming year.

50th Anniversary Gold Charm Secretariat

Okay, now THIS GUY is COOL!

Maybe I'm just a sucker for metallic, glossy horses, but this fella may actually be the reason I cave and buy an RR this year. Anybody who's really into Secretariat or is a racing fan is gonna want this on their shelf for sure.

Ideal Series Appaloosa

So, I haven't been crazy about the Ideal series, but I'm also not a stock horse person. (Surprisingly, I actually really love the Geronimo mold. I'm just super picky about color.)

This fella seems to have a very lacy edge to his blanket that's a hallmark of Sommer Prosser's work. Regardless of whether or not it truly IS her work, I think this is another cool addition to the series.

I wonder what one they'll go with next... Buckskin, maybe?

ATP Power

Speaking purely from a Pony Peddler™ POV, this mold is the HOTTEST commodity that I can get my hands on. I don't have much love for Wyatt (I much prefer Bristol and a lot of Morgen's other sculpts,) but little fair-going kids ADORE this mold in any color. Babyflo, Steel, and probably about a half-dozen others have always sold ridiculously well.

Given the backstory behind this guy and the popularity of Walk. Ride. Rodeo! (a movie that I have never seen because I just......... don't watch horse movies,) he's gonna be one that a lot of people will go for, 100%.

Ebony Shines & Charlize


And I'll be super loud about it, because they're just gorgeous! Another set that may make me break my "NO RR MODELS" rule. The palomino coloring on this pair is so yummy-- I really wanna see these in gloss!

Firefly and Hawkeye have to be my favorite sculpts from Morgen, other than Bristol, so to see these in the RR lineup makes me very happy.

I really want to paint a pair (or at least paint a Firefly.) I have ideas...


Can't forget the Classics!

Okay, so, admittedly, I'm not the biggest fan of the Classics. The scale is decent, but the molds are so-so to me, aside from a few. However, I'm certainly not above being suckered in by a few choice ones.

(I am looking so respectfully at Christine Jordan's Halloween Classic designs.)

This is a good 50/50 split for me as far as horses I really like and ones I find... okay. I'm loving the Brabant, the Arab, and the ASB, I'm on the fence about the fleabitten gray TB, buuut I think the other two are hard passes for me purely because of the colors chosen.

I could be very wrong once we get them in-hand, but the bay (brown??) pinto looks flat, and the pintaloosa's shoulder patch isn't speaking to me at all.

I'm sure kids will love these, though, and that's what it's all about, right?

Next, we have Lysander! Now, I was sure that with both Aurora and Solaris being discontinued that we would see another addition to the Classics unicorn collection, and I was right on the money.

I enjoy this fella-- I love the fact that he's essentially a nice pearly gray but shaded with what appears to be a desaturated lavender color. He has that ethereal appearance that one would expect from a more "traditional" unicorn; he's not a wild color, but he's not realistic, either. When you add that to the mold choice? This one is a solid 10/10 for me.


Okay, so I know, years ago, that I said I hated Cupcake and this line of Classics Dessert horses.

You can quote me directly on that here, accompanied by a stupidly dramatic edit--

I unironically love the Neapolitan pony.


I think the idea of making it this adorable Appaloosa-Splash-y colored pony is perfect, but then they went ahead and added sprinkles. SPRINKLES. It also looks as if the model is going to have an ice cream cone-shaped blaze from what's visible in the pictures. How cute is that?


The Holiday horses (Halloween and Christmas) will likely be their own separate posts, but wow! I think Breyer's got quite the winning lineup here for 2023.

Which of the 2023 models are your favorite? Make sure to vote in the polls below!

Which Traditional is your Favorite?

  • 0%Gold Secretariat

  • 0%RD Marceia Bey

  • 0%Sweetwater's Zorah Belle

  • 0%Ideal Appaloosa

You can vote for more than one answer.

Which Classic is your Favorite?

  • 0%Blue Roan Brabant

  • 0%Red Dun Pintaloosa

  • 0%Gray Thoroughbred

  • 0%Palomino Saddlebred

You can vote for more than one answer.


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