First official OFFICIAL blog post. At least the first one that has any sort of model horse content that isn't me blabbering on about myself.
So, I know I posted this video as my Christmas Day present to everyone (and I'll link that here for anyone who'd like to listen to an hour-long podcast-wannabe segment that has all of our off-the-wall chatter,) but I wanted to provide a sort of... "visual aid" for those who'd like something a bit more concrete.
Also, let me extend a HUGE thank you to Courtney (@oceanic.modelhorses,) Kenzie (@wintersongstables,) and Batsy for brainstorming with me and sitting through a two-hour-long recording session.
Who's our Celebration Horse?
This year's Celebration Horse is the awesome Bravour 54!
Here's what Breyer had to say about our lovely 2023 Celebration Horse:
Owned and trained by Misdee Wrigley Miller as part of her four-in-hand team, the handsome bay KWPN gelding, known for his stylish movement and fiery, bold temperament, joined her team in 2017. Though Misdee wanted to bring Bravour back to basics before having him join one of her teams, fate had other plans when one of her horses unexpectedly passed before the 2018 World Equestrian Games. Rising to the occasion, Bravour proved to be a steady leader in all three phases, helping the United States win its first Gold Medal in the sport and helping Misdee become the first woman to win Gold in Combined Driving at WEG!
If you want to learn a little more, you can check out Breyer's short video introducing Bravour.
Surprise! It's Surprise Time.
We had one major pick for the Surprise horse this time-- HAMILTON!

Based on what we've seen from years previous, we're expecting between four and six variations: two pintos, possibly an Appaloosa, a couple solid colors, and a decorator.
An Oldie but a Goodie...
We're expecting this year's "Token Vintage Model" to be an OLD TIMER!

How lovely would Old Timer look in alabaster? Or a nice silver-based black? Dapple gray?
No matter what color he is, I would expect GLOSS, GLOSS, GLOSS!
Which color would YOU like to see?
0%Vintage Alabaster
0%Dapple Gray
Any Other Animals?
So, I'm RIDICULOUSLY excited to see what this year's other animal is gonna be. We came up with two guesses that would be absolute must-haves for me-- a MOOSE... or a ZEBRA!
Now, I'm sure you're thinking: "Why these options??" Well, because there are some pretty neat historical pictures of both species used in harness! (And also because, I'll be really honest... I'm kinda sick of cows. No more cows. Heather. Please. Give us a breather. I beg you.)
In Alaska, supposedly it wasn't all that uncommon to see moose hitched to buggies or used in logging (pretty innovative, huh?) back in the early 1900s.

And as for zebras, there's certainly a long history of humans trying to domesticate these stripy equines. Zebras pulling carriages were often seen as fantastical, but not practical, therefore it was pretty much reserved for the rich and famous.

I think it's more likely that we'll see a moose than a zebra, just given the fact that (as of right now) their patterns are a lot more costly to produce than the typical $65 - $85 range of SRs Breyer usually gives us for 'Fest.
But, hey, I can dream, can't I?
What other molds could we see?
Here's a little list of what we definitely thought could be coming to the SR line in one way or another--

Whether he's a matte/gloss split, a store SR, or the online SR, Carrick would be a pretty good choice for several driving breeds.
Show Jumping Warmblood

This mold has a few different mane and tail variations, and would be a great choice for the mane split.
Susecion & LeFire

This year could totally be a "skip the mare and foal set" year, but if it isn't, how cute would this set be?

Need I say more?

And seeing we were right about the braided wigs for Niko, he is our top choice for a mane/tail split this year!




Constantia is an OBVIOUS choice! Whether she's a guest horse or the online SR, she's gonna show her face in some capacity this year.

Imagine, if you will, the black Friesian that we all deserve!


What do you think...?
Check out the video linked above for a more in-depth dive into our thoughts about this year's SRs! Do you agree with us? Do you think there are some obvious things that we missed?
I can't wait to hear what all of you are looking forward to from this year's BreyerFest!